Scale The Wall To Musical Literacy
Four Point Program for Beginners
1. Instrument 2. Freeze 3. Improve (Scales) 4. Note Reading
Dan Whitley & Keith Knighton his associate teacher invite you to our…
Young Artist Corner
Violin comes as closes to the sound of the human voice as any other instrument. These instruments can be played exactly in tune, allowing the overtones to be heard and experienced by the students.
The piano is the most popular children’s instrument. The guitar also falls into this category. We like the piano because it makes musical sense. We like the guitar because it can be picked up quickly and is very social (ex. campfire songs). With the piano, you can see and teach scales (improvisation is easily understood using the white and black keys). With the guitar, it’s portable, popular, and a little knowledge can go a long way.
With keyboards a student can have music in their home for a fraction of the cost of a piano. They also copy the sound of most of the instruments with electronic sounds we hear in our music today. With the guitar it can be processed to make different sounds as well. The weakness with these instruments is that they are inherently out of tune (because of well-temperment). We have become used to the sound, but true ringing overtones only come with a choir or orchestra.
When teaching the very young. a human-to-human experience is best. Nowadays, computers and technology are an extension to this training. Look for good “apps” that teach, including information on this website. Correctly using this information will develop some of the skills necessary to become a serious student of music. We encourage the one-on-one parent-to-child, or person-to-person musical experience. Many musical families sing and perform together, it is not enough to just listen to music.
Our goal is to empower children with meaningful musical training, in a one-on-one interaction. These are the steps we follow.
1. Well trained hands
A. Left & right finger playB. Hand and foot work songs: Hot Cross Buns, Pizza PizzaC. Clapping rhythms
2. Well trained mind.
A. Train left brain
B. Train the right brain C. All musical elements have a name.1. Rhythm 2. Melody 3. Form4. Improvisation 5. Creativity
3. Well trained ears.
Hear small differences in the music. Every thing has a name (1–4 above).
4. Well trained heart.
A. Respect for our musical heritage.B. Story telling through well selected songs.C. Recognizes feelings of the heart through this music.
These Four Elements 1. Hands 2. Mind3. Ear 4. Heart Balance is the key.
This kind of teaching allows students fertile musical seeds in there minds. By this training, young students become artists. These artists are prepared to perform and record at a professional level in the media.

Children’s Chorus
Saturdays at 7:00 AM, MT

Kodaly Music Class
Tuesdays at 3:30 and 4:45 PM, MT