Advanced Jazz Band
$12.50 per 1 hour class
Wednesdays at 5:00 PM, Mountain Time
4 to 5 classes per month
$50.00 to $62.50 per month
Taught by Dan Whitley
Covers jazz, improvisation, and “Oldies, but Goodies.” This group consists of students with over 2 years of previous experience that are able to sing and play at the same time. We have arrangements for trumpet, trombone, and saxophone. String players wanting to expand their jazz abilities are also welcome.
In the past, this advanced group has been called Prodigy. Through the Notable Youth Foundation it has performed at various venues, including Disneyland.
The group features a girl and boy lead singer. Kids audition and work for years to get into these positions. They learn stage manners, how to MC, and good showmanship, on top of their already advanced musical skills.
Prodigy Jazz Band Rehearsing

Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this possible!
Performing at Disneyland
Please fill out a contact form and Dan will call to set up a personalized interview.