John David Hopkins

Teaching Specialty
Also Teaches
Keyboards, Piano, Organ
Sound Synthesis
Music theory, keyboard harmony, and basic improvisation
Musical performance phrasing, interpretation, and expression
Age Group Focus
Why Take Lessons From Me
You’ll get solid foundational instruction on tone production, musicality, and technique. Increase your endurance. I support Dan’s band and basic theory programs. Learn how to use technology to support your music learning.
Former first trumpet with the Mormon Youth Symphony and Salt Lake SymphonyFormer first trumpet with the CSUN Wind Orchestra and The Christmas Brass
Opened for Cory Hart with the band Real Eyes, playing keyboards and trumpet
Former keyboardist with Sun, Shade, and Rain; The Justus Brothers; Four ‘n Exchange, etc.
Composer of music and keyboardist for the movie, “The Award”
Church organist and choir director
Teaching Experience
Private and group instruction at Dan Whitley Music Studios
Private trumpet and keyboard teacher at Mann Music, Clearfield, Utah
Substitute teacher for band and orchestras in Salt Lake, Murray, and Jordan School Districts, Utah
Trumpet and sound synthesis master classes through Cal State University Northridge and Ricks College, Rexburg, ID (now BYU Idaho)
Former trumpet student of John Clyman and Glen Lutz
Bachelor of Music, Cal State University Northridge (CSUN), in Trumpet Performance, cum laude
Former piano student with Terry Trotter, David Cohen, Stan Seale, Ivy Anderson
Sound synthesis course work at Dick Grove’s School of Music, Los Angeles
Jazz instruction at the University of Utah, Charlie Shoemake, Stan Seale
Vocal instruction from Dan Whitley, Marguerite Johnson, Paul Hurst, Nathan Lam, CSUN
Tuesday Evenings, Saturday Afternoons
John was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Dan and he first met there and have been friends for many years. Dan was very helpful in John’s early musical career and now they are endeavoring to use there talents to help young people learn music. John also has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s in information technology. He is the builder of this new website.